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ABOUT Extreme Moving

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History of approved movers

Family owned and operated,the making of extreme dates back quite sometime.After working for several moving companies for several years,most of them being national vanlines,.i finally fell into a great position.Running a company in florida.I had been moving my whole life,and now earned the experience of the actual inner sanction of the industry.Dont get me wrong there was still plenty of work,learning the  pros and cons,of running a business and endless nights schooling on the business aspect.But then a hurricane drove us out.I then moved to Michigan,where im origanaly from and Extreme Moving was born.Alot of customers ask,how did you come up with the name?Answer-I have taken the better movers and transformed them into the best. how?Every moving company has its own method of training-for loading/unloading-& packing.After working for the(several companies)i became acustomed to there methods,therefore giving me the ability to adapt to ANY situation.Extremes team members go through exstensive training,using every method.Some methods are excluded.To get to the fact Extreme Movings team are professionaly trained,and on call.Contact us any time(24-7) and experience the differance.Sincerely,John Tyler & all of the Extreme Team.       

Our Executive Team

  • John Tyler(owner-operator)
  • terry central-dispatch)
  • Robert-crew leader
  • joe-crew leader 

Mission Statement

E-mail Us

Want to send us a brief note? extrememoving.20fr.com

Location / Phone Numbers

Grand Rapids, Michigan (616)477-5981